Change is about improvement, development, and constant evolution. We can no longer wait for a pause; we must adapt to continuously changing conditions. We believe that strengthening change capacity and resilience is one of the most critical capabilities to focus on for an organisation to thrive.

To succeed, we need to understand that significant behavioural change is required from each individual. Organizations do not change – people do. Individuals must comprehend the "why" behind the change, one by one. Change is a process that takes time, focus, and experience to navigate. Always expect a drop in productivity and increased resistance.The power that lies in maintaining the status quo should not be underestimated. Change introduces instability and risk to the organisation. However, there are ways to harness this friction and redirect it into commitment and focus – time and energy spent dealing with resistance instead of avoiding it is well-invested.

Our approach to change management:

Achieving strategic goals requires the implementation of successful changes.


Success demands desire and energy in a planned operational change management.


Creating alignment in change necessitates a shared understanding of the current situation.


To succeed, all individuals in the organisation must be part of the journey.


Fostering engagement and commitment to change requires a clear vision of our destination and a mindset of co-creation throughout the process.


Successful change initiatives require projects and change management to work side by side, with three critical functions in place:1. Active sponsorship and leadership for guidance

2. Project management to structure and manage the technical and practical aspects of change

3. Change management to support individuals affected by the change

Change management provides a structured approach to navigating change, with tools, methods, and best practices from various frameworks that can be incorporated into daily work. Several methodologies have been developed to support both organisational and individual levels of change, often sharing common components. Our Queen Drivers are experienced change leaders who are passionate about injecting new energy and enthusiasm into organisations' change initiatives. We work with organisations of all sizes and industries, providing the knowledge and tools needed to create lasting, positive change. Let us help you foster resilience and adaptability in your organisation with our change management expertise.

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Daniel Andersson

CEO / +46 76 360 66 48